Osteopaths focus on the neuro-musculoskeletal system, which comprises bones, muscles, nerves and other tissues that support the human body and control its movements. They provide musculoskeletal and nervous system assessments, manual therapy, clinical exercise programs, and movement, postural, positioning advice and ergonomic assessments.

Osteopaths may also offer ongoing support and educational advice about lifestyle, stress management, diet or other factors that may influence a person’s pain, injury or movement.


At Realign Osteopathy, St Kilda, Melbourne, we focus on delivering the highest quality of patient care in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We understand that no two people or injuries are the same, which is why we create a custom-made recovery and rehabilitation plan for each patient.

We first opened our doors in 2010. Since then we have grown into a busy and popular Osteopathic Clinic that has developed a reputation in St Kilda for excellence. No matter what you need, we are here to help you every step of the way.


Remobilise, Restabilise, Realign

and bring back the balance


9am - 7pm